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CG | BCMR | OER and or Failure of Selection | 2011-055
Original file (2011-055.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied




Application for the Correction of 
the Coast Guard Record of: 
                                                                                FINAL DECISION 
                                                                                BCMR Docket No. 2011-055 


The applicant asked the Board to correct her record to show that she enlisted in the regu-
lar Coast Guard for 6 years in pay grade E-3, instead of E-1.  She alleged that when she enlisted, 
she thought she was enlisting for 6 years starting as an E-3.  The Record of Military Processing 
prepared by a recruiter and signed by the applicant on August 16, 2010, shows that she enlisted 
in the Reserve for 6 years as an E-1 on August 19, 2010, under the Delayed Entry Program, and 
enlisted in the regular active duty Coast Guard for 8 years as an E-3 on September 21, 2010.  The 
first page of her enlistment contract shows an 8-year Reserve enlistment “beginning in pay grade 
E-3  of  which  6  years  and  0  weeks  is  considered  an  active  duty  obligation,  and  2  years  and  0 
weeks will be serve in the Reserve …  I understand that I will be ordered to active duty unless I 
report  [to  the  recruiting  office]  by  2010  09  21  for  enlistment  in  the  Regular  component  of  the 
United States … Coast Guard for not less than 6 years and 0 weeks.”  However, the third page of 
the contract shows that a recruiting official enlisted her as an E-1.  An Annex G, which the appli-
cant and her recruiter signed on August 16, 2010, shows that she agreed to a 6-year enlistment to 
be able to start active duty as an E-3.  The annex is incorporated by reference in the Record of 
Military Processing but not in the enlistment contract. 

The  Coast  Guard  recommended  that  the  Board  grant  relief  because  the  record  supports 
the applicant’s allegations and her recruiter has affirmed that she was enlisted for 6 years “with 
the full understanding that she was enlisting as an E-3 … [A]t MEPS somehow the [enlistment 
contract] was incorrectly entered in as E-1 and should have been E-3.”   


In light of her enlistment contract and the recruiter’s statement, the Board finds that the 
applicant  has  proved  by  a  preponderance  of  the  evidence  that  as  a  result  of  an  administrative 
error,  she  was  mistakenly  enlisted  in  pay  grade  E-1,  when  in  fact  she  only  agreed  to  enlist  on 
active  duty  as  an  E-3,  and  that  her  record  erroneously  shows  a  6-year,  instead  of  an  8-year, 
Reserve obligation and an 8-year, instead of a 6-year, active duty obligation.  Accordingly, relief 
should be granted. 







The  military  record  of  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,  USCG,  shall  be  corrected  to 
show that she enlisted in the Reserve for 8 years on August 19, 2010, with a 6-year active duty 
obligation and a 2-year Reserve obligation, and that she enlisted in the regular, active duty Coast 
Guard for 6 years on September 21, 2010, in pay grade E-3.  The Coast Guard shall pay her any 
amount due as a result of these corrections.   



















 Troy D. Byers 


 Francis H. Esposito 



 Dana Ledger 
















July 14, 2011   










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